Welcome to TCT. Known for its tried-and-true style of teaching, its state-of-the-art facilities, and its variety of programs available to all ages and skill levels — TCT is the ideal place for those looking for competitive play or just a fun way to stay fit.
Registration is open! See brochure links below for details:
General Brochure →
Junior Brochure Fall 2024 →
Junior Brochure Spring 2025 →
Tournament Training →
TCT offers a number of diverse programs for both juniors and adults. All of our clinics and drop-in programs combine thoughtful instruction with a friendly atmosphere. We also offer season court pricing and open time, available both in advance and on the same day. For those looking for competitive play, we have USTA teams for all ages and levels. TCT provides stringing services on location, a rentable ball machine, and video analysis.
Find Your Game at TCT →It all started when Ed and Janet Pagano had a dream of opening one of the finest indoor tennis facilities in all of New England — and so the Tennis Club of Trumbull opened its doors in September of 1985. In the years that followed, the focus has been on teaching proper technique first and foremost. Ed has made sure the TCT staff is comprised of seasoned pros capable in order to provide the highest quality instruction...
Read More →TCT has a rich history of producing remarkable players. Many of our players hold high USTA ratings; in 2016, the number one player in the 18U national rankings calls TCT home, while another TCT junior is not far behind him. They continue a tradition of greatness that includes many impressive juniors who have stepped onto the courts of TCT.
We offer a variety of programs for all skill levels and ages. Our junior programs encompass everyone ages 3 through 18; we place our juniors by both age and level. On the adult side, we offer many different clinics and drop-in programs. We also have USTA teams for both juniors and adults.
More information:
General Brochure →
Junior Brochure →
Tournament Brochure →
TCT is committed to providing the highest level of instruction in the area. Our pros provide top-notch instruction to foster growth and a better understanding of the game of tennis. Among our pros is a former ATP World Tour coach, a recipient of the 2005 USTA Coach of the Year award, and a member of the USTA Northeast National Selection Committee. Their accolades speak for themselves.
Meet our pros →After a massive storm collapsed our roof during the winter of 2011, TCT decided to rebuild bigger and better. We installed high quality, up-to-date amenities for our clients’ comfort and convenience. Courtside, our upgraded facilities include central air, powerful lights, a high ceiling, video analysis, and blended lines for our 10U competitors.
See pictures of our facilities →